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How to improve Client Experience?

Good client experience is crucial for growing your business, you may want to ask why?

  • A client who’s been happy with their experience with you will automatically become an advocate of your brand

  • Your word of mouth referrals is gonna skyrocket as people tend to trust someone’s first-hand experience.

  • A positive and hassle-free experience will lead to repeated orders from the client which in turn helps to build a solid clientele for your business.

While there are many ways in which you can elevate your client experience, here are a few that I'd like to talk about -

How to improve client experience?

1. Setting the right expectations: It’s essential that you don’t overpromise and under deliver, sometimes when we’re talking to a client - we tend to get carried away in the conversation and end up promising things that may not be possible, are out of your area of expertise or may just simply be costing us extra time, effort and money.

See what happens there? We raise their expectations and don’t deliver accordingly which makes our offering and the overall experience hollow.

2. Professional Approach: Professional basically means doing something in a way that shows skill, training and care.

It can mean so many different things for a creative entrepreneur like us - maintaining clear communication with the client, informing them about the timeline of your service and adhering to that, getting approval on costs before going ahead with the project, presenting your offerings in an aesthetic and comprehensive manner and many other things.

3. Go that extra mile: The client is basically the hero of your business’s story. If there’s anything you can do for them to make their experience smooth and easy, do it in a heartbeat

It can be something as simple as checking in on a client once they’ve received their order to see if your work has met their expectations or a situation where there's been the slightest of damage in transit, you immediately replace the product, or even just throwing in a little freebie or discount to a regular customer for their constant support. These little things go a very long way and such gestures help you build client relations that go way beyond business and become your intangible assets.

Lastly, you always want to be there for your client and make sure they feel comfortable to reach out to you in any situation, tell us in the comments if you found this helpful and if there are other ways in which you ensure a good client experience.


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