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Tired of drawing guidelines? Aquino rulers to your rescue.

Let me make your life easy…

Have you heard about this life-saving tool - Engrossers and Spencerian rulers?

These rulers designed by Aquino da Silva, are handy lining tools. Each ruler is the size of a credit card and is suitable for daily practice, lining on small cards and envelopes. In fact, you can also use it for creating guidelines for your big pieces as well.

Artists and Calligraphers across the world love and recommend these. They’re available for copperplate as well as Spencerian.

Engrosser's rulers has x-heights from 3 to 7 mm and a 55-degree slant angle

wheras Spencerian ruers has x-heights of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3mm and a 52-degree slant angle.

I’m also adding a tutorial made by Aquino himself to help you understand how to use these rulers.


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